If there’s anyone who’s made beauty out of challenge, it’s Sejal Patel, founder of the first-of-its-kind skincare line Plantkos. At age 2, Sejal’s daughter was diagnosed with a skin condition that held a threat of spreading to her whole body, sending Patel — who’s trained as a pharmacist — on a mission to learn the ins and outs of caring for melanin-rich skin (she’s of Indian descent). 

The result: Plantkos Skincare, the first skincare line that addresses the triad of hyperpigmentation, dehydration, and inflammation all at once. These are the three most common concerns of those with melanin-rich skin, and while the line is designed to help those women feel cared for and beautiful, the products are fabulous for anyone.

Here’s the scoop on what makes Plantkos so special, straight from Patel herself.

1. Tell us about why you decided to start Plantkos. Was there a specific moment when you knew you just had to start the company?

My journey started with my daughter’s diagnosis at age two. She has a skin condition called pigmentary mosaicism — it causes varied colors in the skin. She had a 50/50 prognosis, meaning it could either stay localized to her limbs or spread throughout her entire body. 

There’s no cure, so I felt pretty helpless. But I figured one thing I could do was protect her skin from further pigmentation from the sun. That’s where my research into skincare ingredients kicked off.

Through my research, I noticed that there weren’t really products that addressed the distinct needs we had given our melanin-rich skin (I’m of Indian origin). Melanin-rich skin can be more prone to hyperpigmentation, dehydration, and inflammation, and no products addressed these all at once. I became determined to create skincare that fulfilled our needs and the needs of so many women out there with melanin-rich skin.

2. Your line is especially lovely for women with melanin-rich skin. How so?

Each product is made and even clinically tested to address hyperpigmentation, dehydration, and inflammation — the three most common skin concerns of those with melanin-rich skin — at once.

3. What’s the best beauty advice you ever received?

Establish a skincare routine that you’ll truly follow, every single day.

4. What’s your best skincare advice for women in their 20’s and 30’s?

Don’t worry about what’s trendy and just invest in gentle, effective, clean skincare products that are suitable for your needs.

5. How about your best skincare advice for women in their 40’s, 50’s, and beyond?

The same! It’s applicable at any age.

6. What’s your favorite way to unwind?


7. What’s the best part about your job?

I get to create products that are lovely and effective that address the concerns of so many. And I get to pay homage to my Indian heritage and educational background in the process.

8. Tell us about an experience or defining moment that’s influenced your outlook on beauty. 

I was using nearly prescription grade products on my skin thinking “the stronger the better,” but they nearly destroyed my skin. I took a step back and re-evaluated both the ingredients and my skin’s individual needs. My focus became using gentle yet effective products, and it’s made all the difference.

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