Most recently updated 1/10/21

Have you ever put on foundation that smells a little funky, mascara that flakes off your lashes, or lipstick that crumbles soon after application? There’s not much you can do once your makeup has expired (besides toss it!). But there are steps you can take to make your makeup last longer.

Here are four tips to extend the shelf life of makeup – shared in collaboration with Dr. Laurence Dryer, a beauty scientist.

Extending shelf life 101

Reputable makeup companies ensure that our products are able to withstand normal wear-and-tear through what’s called stability testing, or extensive lab tests to make sure products don’t spoil too easily. But just like with food, how we handle makeup can make a difference.

When it comes to making your makeup last, there are four main considerations: temperature, light, application method, and avoiding water/liquids.

  1. Avoid exposure to extreme temperatures.
    Both very hot and cold environments can shorten shelf life. Minimize the amount of time you keep your makeup in places like the hot car or in direct sunlight. If you get a makeup delivery, don’t leave it sitting on your front porch in the beating summer sun, or in the freezing snow, for that matter.
  2. Store makeup in a dark place.
    When you’re deciding where to store your cosmetics, pick somewhere dark like a drawer or cabinet. Of course, it’ll be exposed to some light during day-to-day use.
  3. Keep it dry.
    Water and other liquids in your makeup can cause growths – of the green-y gray-ish moldy variety. Avoid splashing sink water into your makeup and dry your hands completely before applying it. If you happen to get your makeup wet, leave it out to dry quickly. Avoid drying it in direct sunlight though. And if your bathroom gets humid, like many do, consider keeping your makeup in a vanity or dresser in your bedroom.
  4. Apply makeup with clean hands and tools.
    When applying makeup, we expose it to the bacteria on our hands and tools, which means it can get contaminated. Using your fingers to apply makeup is A-OK, but make sure you thoroughly wash your hands like you would before you cook. Also, clean your brushes and sterilize your tools regularly. While rare, no one wants to deal with an infection from contaminated makeup!

Curious to learn more about shelf life? We’ve outlined how long clean makeup products tend to last right here.

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This post was reviewed by Dr. Laurence Dryer, a beauty scientist.