Updated 04/22/21

It looks like water and it pours like water. Yet it removes a full face of makeup with a few swipes on a cotton ball, without drying or irritating. 

It’s the hottest thing backstage at European fashion shows, and it recently started showing up in U.S. drugstore aisles.

We’re talking about micellar water

You may have heard of it, but do you know what micellar water really is?

What is micellar water and how does it work?

Here’s the TL/DR version… 

Micellar water is used to remove makeup before you cleanse your skin at night. In a pinch, it can also be used as a makeup remover and cleanser all-in-one. You simply add the micellar water to a cotton swab and wipe down your skin. Micellar water is made of micelles (tiny balls of molecules) suspended in water. Micelles group together and attract makeup, dirt, and oil, meaning they pull makeup and particles off your skin wonderfully.

Want the nitty gritty details? Here you go:

Micellar (pronounced my-sell-er) water is a combination of purified water, hydrating ingredients like glycerin, and low concentrations of mild surfactants. Surfactants are used in skincare to break down and remove particles from our skin. The molecules of those mild surfactants naturally come together to form microscopic clumps called micelles. These dirt-loving micelle molecules surround makeup and dirt, attach to them, and break them down, removing makeup from our faces.

A micelle is a unique kind of molecule cluster. On each molecule, one end loves water (hydrophilic); the other end hates water (hydrophobic) and prefers oil. In a water solution, the micelles come together in a sphere with a water-loving exterior and a water-hating, oil-loving interior. When applied to the skin, the micelle spheres split open. The splitting pushes the oil-loving molecule end against the skin. When the application pressure lifts, the molecule cluster grabs up all the oil/grime.

How cool is that? Thank you, science!

So, when you wipe a cotton ball doused with micellar water across your face, the micelles stick to the cotton, and simultaneously pull makeup, dirt, and other impurities off your skin.

Micellar water was popularized by French women who began using it in the early 1900s, when plumbing wasn’t available everywhere and the water in France was quite harsh on the skin.

Washing your face with hard water can be rough on your skin, disrupting the skin’s barrier function. If that barrier is disrupted, conditions such as rosacea, acne, eczema, and dermatitis can get worse. Basically, with a damaged barrier, your skin isn’t protected well from outside irritating factors.

Micellar water proved to be a useful alternative – and much better for the skin – than the hard Parisian water.

Micellar water became a fashion show backstage staple for makeup artists because it can remove an entire face of makeup without leaving oil behind like most makeup cleansers do.

Makeup artists love micellar water because it’s a quick, effective makeup remover that’s gentle enough to apply to the face of a model who may be going in and out of three different full makeup applications in one busy day on the runways.

Micellar water spread from Paris fashion shows via makeup artists and the fashion set to the U.S., where celebrities and beauty mavens raved about it. Eventually it landed in the aisles of major drugstores.

Yes, beauty brands caught on to micellar water and introduced the U.S. public to it. It’s sometimes marketed as a beauty travel product because it can be useful when camping or visiting places without easily accessible running water.

How does it fit into my skin regimen?

Use micellar water at night in this order:

  1. Apply it with an organic cotton pad or ball to remove the big stuff like makeup, oil, and dirt.
  2. Follow up with a gentle non-soap cleanser for the deeper grime in your pores. 

Some soaps strip the skin of natural oils and proteins, while micellar water helps to keep the barrier intact, translating into healthy skin. Micellar water has the benefits of a heavy-duty soap without the dry, dull skin afterwards. It gets impurities off your face and leaves you feeling refreshed and, most of all, clean.

Other ways to use micellar water

It’s not just a makeup remover! There are so many ways to use micellar water’s cleansing properties.

Try micellar water between reapplications of sunscreen to avoid clogged pores.

Try it with a Q-tip to remove makeup application mistakes, like smudgy mascara.

Try it to freshen up your skin during a long travel day. Wipe your face down in the airport bathroom before getting to your final destination!

Try it when you get home extra late at night and want a one-step skincare routine before bed. No need to wash it off when you do this sparingly.

Try it to remove sweat after workouts:
“I’m a triathlete, I use micellar water and I love it. I have sensitive skin and it doesn’t irritate it. I can wash my face anywhere and anytime. I carry a little bottle of it with me and little washable cotton pads to apply it. I sweat a lot. And it’s magical for me after workouts.” – Eileen

Use it for gentle baby cleaning:
“I use micellar water to wipe down my baby from head to toe in between actual bath times. It was recommended as a way to clean and freshen her newborn baby skin pre-belly button, and now that she’s 4 months old, we still use it several times a week. It doesn’t dry out her skin, and is a good gentle cleanser.” – Sandra

Ready to try micellar water? Here’s a *clean* version

Are you convinced yet? If you’re thinking about trying micellar water for yourself, at NakedPoppy we recommend Gingko Micellar Water from Ere Perez.

Why? Many popular drugstore brands of micellar water include harmful ingredients, such as alcohol or harsh preservatives which can dry the skin. Our research scientists have vetted and selected Ere Perez’s wonderful, clean version. Their micellar water is made with aloe vera and antioxidant-rich ginkgo biloba. It hydrates and removes impurities, leaving skin feeling soft and smooth. This product is alcohol-free and contains 100% natural fragrances, so it won’t dry or irritate sensitive skin.

We also love the Odacité Blue Aura Cleansing Water for its use of turmeric to calm irritation, and neem and holy basil to protect against skin-damaging pollutants.

Happy cleansing!

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