The Unconventional Wisdom series features founders making waves, and shares their insights and journeys about living a beautiful life.

When it comes to unadulterated luxury with the science to back it up, clean beauty brand KYPRIS is in a league of its own. Pick up one of the cult-favorite KYPRIS masks or creams (they’re new on NakedPoppy!) and you’ll see that every centimeter of the product’s been made with care, as an ode to the divine feminine and beauty within all of us.

The kicker? KYPRIS founder and CEO Chase Polan is just as captivating as the line she’s brought to life. We were lucky enough to sit down with her and learn why she was inspired to create KYPRIS, her holy grail skincare tips, and what makes her life beautiful.

Tell us about the moment you decided to found KYPRIS. How did KYPRIS become your life’s work?

Many things inspired the creation of KYPRIS. 

Nine years ago, I saw a unique opportunity within the beauty and personal care industry. It was a time when science-backed skincare lines were full of questionable ingredients and natural skin care was very “craft,” resembling products that could have been made in someone’s kitchen. I wanted to create a better experience of Beauty, one that combined the efficacy and elegance of a science-driven approach, the gorgeous ingredients from Nature’s inimitable design, and the wisdom and respect of the Divine Feminine. 

What makes KYPRIS unique?

We believe luxury is about authenticity, efficacy, and quality, and we do not cut any corners. We manufacture exclusively in FDA OTC-certified facilities. The chemists who formulate for us are specialists. Process engineers help us bring each creation from the chemist’s bench to production. We test extensively and all along the production process and even after pieces are in the market.  

Each and every KYPRIS offering is uniquely formulated for a specific experience and result.

So many of us feel overwhelmed at times. What are your go-to tips for managing overwhelm?

My nervous system can tend to run “hot” so to speak, so unwinding is something I actually try to do 3 times per day: morning, noon, and night. 

I find that a regular hatha yoga practice, walking, sunshine, and short, regular meditation sessions throughout the day help me return to my baseline as needed.

If you’re giving skincare advice to a busy woman in her 20’s or 30’s, what would you say?

Take care of your skin.

What skin changes do women experience in their 40’s, 50’s, and beyond? How should this affect their skincare?

As we age, our skin can become more reactive to allergens and irritants. One of the best things we can do as we age is support skin’s hydration and moisture and, for the love!, use SPF.

Once we are in our 40’s, 50’s, 60’s and beyond, to maintain a beautiful, glowing complexion we need to nurture ourselves from the inside out with a healthy diet replete with balanced macro and micronutrients. And topically, we need to use gentle yet potent skin care that will not be aggressive with our delicate skin and always wear SPF.

With 5 minutes to get ready in the morning, which products do you reach for? 

My beauty regimen depends on the day. On most days, I’m very into my ritual. I take a few minutes in the morning and at night to revel in anointing myself with a microemulsion of Antioxidant Dew or Clearing Serum and Beauty Elixir I: 1,000 Roses

On other days, I’m a lazy lady and simply cleanse with Cleanser Concentrate, apply Puff of Love moisturizer, Pot of Shade SPF, and go.

Tell us about an experience or defining moment that’s influenced your outlook on beauty. 

When I was a teenager, I modeled. It was not a natural decision for my quickly developing body. I was super athletic and voluptuous. At smaller sample sizes, 5 lbs could make the difference between whether I was able to work or not. How bizarre is it that an industry existed where a person’s value hung on a 5 lb difference? Even if it was a 15 lb difference who cares!? As if our bodies aren’t in constant flux. 

My whole experience modeling made me passionate about having a deeper understanding of what Beauty actually is. And I can assure you that I know in my bones today that Beauty is not some reductive externalized goal or look, but an experience. Beauty is how we experience ourselves and the world around us. 

Is there an aspect of your appearance you’ve struggled with in the past? How do you feel about it now?

I scar and hyperpigment really easily. When I was in high school, a facialist burned my face. Well into my 20’s I had two very upsetting circles of hyperpigmentation on my cheeks. It actually didn’t go away until I created the Beauty Elixir we sell today. If anything, managing my tendency to hyperpigment and scar has forced me to think long and hard about how to best care for skin with melanin. It’s a common challenge among those of us who tan easily or are darker complected, and I’m grateful to be of service to all of us.

What do you do to feel healthier that some might be surprised to hear?

When it comes to health and healing and well-being, I think it’s so important to surrender attachments to who or what “help” or “support” is going to look like. 

Too often, those of us in love with Nature throw out the proverbial baby with the bath water because something is allopathic. And too often, western health practitioners are dismissive of modalities that cannot be explained or measured by a traditional scientific method. 

The answer is of course both and all that we will eventually discover.

What’s the best part of getting older?

Aging is a true privilege. Also, aging has nothing to do with how we look or feel. You can be a glowing goddess at any age. If you want to be…

What makes your life beautiful? 

All the Love and relationships. My husband. My friends. My family. My soul family. All the Nature. All the creativity. The yummy food. The flowers. All the things! I’m so grateful. 

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